Discover differently....

the mysterious Transylvania!

Step into the magical land of Transylvania and relive history from a unique perspective. Once imposing, now laying in ruins, dozens of monuments bear witness to a fantastic past. Are you ready to discover them?

Fortresses, castles, churches...

Where to find?

Embark on a virtual journey through the villages of Transylvania! Which sight has raised your curiosity?

Protect the history...

Support the project!

Have you visited a monument and want to share your experience? Help support the Transylvania in Ruins initiative and contribute to the project!

To know about the project...

The prolonged disinterest of the authorities should not discourage us from appreciating and conserving the architectural treasures of Transylvania.

Intended to raise the awareness regarding the deplorable state of many historical monuments in Transylvania, this project aims to combine usefulness with enjoyment — to inform, educate, and perhaps amaze.

Who knows… maybe the united effort will help these vestiges to see better times!

Castelul Haller Castelul cu Scoici Coplean Cluj Transylvania in Ruins
Castelul Teleki Luna de Jos Cluj Transylvania in Ruins
Biserica Reformata Vurpar Alba Transylvania in Ruins
Cetatea Adorjan Salard Bihor Transylvania in Ruins
Castelul Bethlen-Martinuzzi Vintu de Jos Alba Transylvania in Ruins-min
Cetatea Finis Bihor Transylvania in Ruins

Endangered monuments in Transylvania

Cetatea Almasului Salaj Transylvania in Ruins


Besides the ancient Dacian and Roman ruins, in Transylvania you can visit dozens of picturesque medieval fortresses.

Castelul de Vanatoare Teleki Jucu Herghelie Cluj Transylvania in Ruins

Castles and manors

Draw inspiration from the elegance of estates belonging to former noble families, and discover fascinating architectural details.

Biserica Evanghelica Idiciu Mures Transylvania in Ruins


Today abandoned, the ruined churches fascinate with the austerity with which they face the caprices of the weather.

Stand by Transylvania in Ruins!

An old saying goes, „where there are two, there is strength”. The same holds true for the Transylvania in Ruins project!

The needs are big, so any additional information you can provide is more than welcome. If you would like to share your experiences with us, you are warmly invited to do so!

Get in touch with Transylvania in Ruins by following the link below! Thank you for your support!

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